
Reusable Baggies

As I mentioned before my packed lunches usually consist of things like Cherrios, carrots, crackers and other such toddler snacks. As I am also a friend of the earth, I strive to eliminate any excessive Ziploc baggie use. These reusable baggies are a life saver! You can flip them inside out and dust them off or rinse them under the sink. You can even throw them in the washing machine! Plus, they are super cute and your friends will be jealous.

You can make them in any size, but this tutorial shows a sandwich bag and a snack bag (above)

Materials (for 3 bags):
  • About 1/4" yard of your favorite fabric (you can use just about anything, but I like something slightly heavy)
  • About 1/4" yard of nylon fabric (I was so stoked to find it in colors other than white)
  • Sewing machine and sewing machine things
  • Pins
  • Rolator cutter and mat
  • Velcro (About 1/2" thick)
1. Cut your fabric and nylon to the same sizes. For the sandwich bags I did 7" x 15" and 7" x 10" for the snack bags.

2. Hem the tops and bottoms of the fabric 1/4".

3. Fold the top to the bottom with the right sides together. You can pin it if you feel safer. Sew up the sides.

Look! A baggie.

4. Do the exact same to the piece of nylon. Sewing nylon is tricky because it is so slippery, so go slow. When you're done, don't turn it inside out. You won't need to.

5. Slide the nylon bag into the fabric bag. Woop. (That the sound it makes... when you make that sound with your mouth)

If you do turn it inside out (which you don't need to), it would look like this:

6. Pin the Velcro to the insides of the bag, about 1/4" or 1/8" from the top. With the bag open sew the perimeter of the Velcro. You'll have a top stitched box on the outside of your bag, which doesn't bother me. It keeps the two bags securely together.

This is what it looks like right before you fill the baggie with snacks:

I made three bags.

I assembled the baggies, along with the lunch bag I made in the previous post for an auction item for a school fundraiser as a lunch set, thus the matchy-match.

Pack it up!

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