
NOOK Cover

Please excuse me while I do my happy dance... I got a NOOK! Wheeeee!

*dance dance*

But a naked NOOK is a sad NOOK. So I made a cover from an old journal I had laying around and some scrap fabric and ribbons. No sewing required.

  • Old hardcover book or journal that's bigger than your NOOK (you have to take the pages out so make sure it's not your most favorite Jane Austen!)
  • Scrap fabric. (When you are measuring it up, it has to cover at least the inside and outside of the book. Pretty sure a fat quarter would work.)
  • Ribbon!!! (Make sure it matches. Mine usually comes with a cat attached to one end. So make sure you remove the cat before you begin.)
  • Glue gun 
  • Scissors
Here we go!

1. Start with your journal or book and take the pages out.

2. Cut the fabric to fit the inside of the book, inside the perimeter of the book.

3. Glue it down with your glue gun. Be careful and stretch the fabric so it's not wrinkled or bubbled up.

4. Once the inside is securely glued down, glue the outside. Actually glue on the outside of the cover to prevent that bubbling, wrinkling horribleness.

5. For the bottom and top, I folded the fabric over on itself to make a nice edge. And glue.

6. On the sides, I did a fold over thing, like you're wrapping a present. And glue.

7. Using the NOOK to make sure the ribbons are in the right place and at the right stretch, glue the ribbons to the cover. The top one should go straight across.

I had enough ribbon to let it wrap all the way around. It added a little something extra to it.

8. For the bottom, do the ribbon diagonal on each corner.

9. And ta-da! Consider your NOOK covered. Some tutorials suggest an elastic headband or piece of elastic to hold the cover together, but mine didn't seem to need it (which works because I didn't have any elastic).

The end.